Hatanga and BY Group Partnership

Local construction company Hatanga Ltd is proud to announce the commencement of a partnership with one of Australia’s leading indigenous construction companies, BY Group. The partnership was formalised on the 18th of October, at an event hosted at the Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara.

BYGroup management and staff spent a week in Honiara to commence efforts under this agreement, and delivered the first in a series of training programs to Hatanga staff- focusing on workplace health and safety. About 110 Hatanga staff attended a full day training session equivalent to the Australian General Construction Induction course compulsory for those working on construction sites in Australia.

This training is the first step in the journey to help build the capacity of Hatanga staff, promote local content, and local company participation in the delivery of national infrastructure projects in Solomon Islands.

Hatanga would like to thank members of the private and public sector who attended the event, including Mrs Susan Sulu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination, who witnessed the signing ceremony.

This partnership will help to improve and implement management systems, processes and procedures related to Safety, Quality and Environment.

Hatanga and BY Group thank those who took the time to engage and meet our team.

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